2nd Sunday Night 4th edition Game Session DND


2nd Sunday Night 4th edition Game Session DND


Well tonight was my second time at the 4th edition DND game session. Our DM is a great guy. He is fun to roleplay with and lets all of us play out our characters. Laes managed not to get herself killed tonight so that was an improvement on last Sunday’s game. I still have to learn the ins and outs of 4th edition but it should not be too hard.


Jamie was amusing as his tactical minotaur warlord. Cody played Ghost well. James played his blue dragonborn fighter well and Jane did absolutely great as the rogue Snuggles. I as Laes the black dragonborn paladin did alright. She kind of followed Jamie’s minotaur around and did try and lead by example as well. We explored more of the temple and found out there is a top level. There is an encounter planned for the top level. There is also one for the bottom level as well. We killed three undead dragonborn. One was a red dragonborn and the lesser two were bronze. I as Laes did not feel any remorse at killing the undead things as they had ceased to be true dragonborn when they died. So no conflict of interest there for her. We finally killed them and took loot of their bodies. Jamie ended up with two new axes. Jane took the longsword. I took no loot this time around.


We found some blueprints in an arcane room. Jamie’s minotaur took those and studied them closely to learn what he could about the tower we were all in.


Cody really, really wanted Ghost to be bloodied and go to half hit points so he could turn into a wolf and attack the undead. He never got that low on hit points however. Everyone in the party took damage of some kind. At the end of the encounter we all healed up and next session we go to explore the library. I will be using my religion and perception checks as well as insight to see if I can read any of the books or scrolls. I might be able to determine something useful out of them. I hope to get more of a handle on Laes and playing a paladin as time goes on.

Lady Soket

“Dying is interesting. As long as it does not happen to me.”



Life Before Facebook Mind the Gap Weekly writing Challenge


I hate to burst anyon’s bubble but there was an Internet before Facebook came into the world. I for one would like to see facebook disappear off the face of the planet. It is a total bitch to use with my screen reader and sometimes it takes me eighty minutes which is two of my screen reader’s sessions just to post one comment up there. I misss the good old days before facebook came on the scene. People actually chatted via Mirc or talked to each other on the phone or even played games via email. I hate all the games on facebook and all the dumb requests by friends to play them. Mostly all of my friends know I am blind. Why on earth would I want to play a browser based game that I can’t see? Quit sending me those stupid “play this game with me.” It does not work. And we won’t even get started with all the clutter on Facebook. All the pop up ads. All the links that don’t amount to shit but do annoy the hell out of me when I am trying to post a comment to something and have to go past all the crap even to post a comment. It is not a blind friendly site at all. Hell half the time it’s acting up so much I only go there once or twice a week. So scrouge of the Internet. Hell yes.


Go to Twitter or my favorite wordpress.com/ and get yourself a good blog or website. It’s free and after a little trial and error I learned it on my own. So yay for Twitter and wordpress.com/ A big fat “you suck die” to facebook.


As for the Internet it did in fact exist before facebook. It was more fun and interactive as well. People got on forums and chatted. People talked to each other not at each other as we do on Facebook and to a certain extent on Twitter. And way back in the seventies computers were big, hulking machines that took up a whole wall. Things have come a long way. But Facebook? Forget about it. I’ll use it sparingly if at all. For those of you that adore it I am sorry but you have no idea how much it truely sucks. But I am writing this from my wordpress blog and posting it to Facebook,Twitter,and wordpress all at the same time. I can remember a time before all social media existed and you would actually have to write individual emails to people. So this blog is more convenient for me. So I like it and make use of it. And I will continue to do so as long as wordpress exists. The people are nice and helpful here unlike on facebook. Big heartfelt hugs to my groups on Facebook. I am not maligning you all. I will continue to post to you all if sharding Facebook will let me.


Lady Soket

“Yes. I existed before the internet.It could poof and I will stilll behere.”


Camp Nano and DnD Now you would not think


Camp Nano and DnD


Now you would not think that Camp Nano and Dungeons and Dragons would relate in anyway.But in this case you relate. For The Idlewild Saga is going to be built around one of my dragonborn characters Karleon. She is who I will be writing about even though she is not going to be in a game until tomorrow’s session. She is shaping up to be a bad ass character. I think I will really enjoy playing a paladin blackguard with an acid breath weapon. She also has a very large sword which she will be using to kill things with. With all of her bonuses to damage and protective ablities she will be a blast to play. She is very “I am out for me.” as she doesn’t really relate well to others. Being a black dragon born doesn’t help either. Blacks are normally cunning and trickesters. She will be devious and well used to fending for herself as well. She willl be riding a night stallion instead of a nightmare. So picture a large woman with draconic features, and a large black horse with blazing red eyes galloping right towards an enemy. She pulls out her sword and in one strike takes the foe’s head cleanly from his shoulders and rides onward not stopping to see the body crumple to the earth.


It is going to be fun. As for Camp Nano I am currently at 2422 words so far and it’s day two. Jamie is beating me at almost 3,000 words. He hasn’t hit three thousand yet but he is closer than I am. So I gotta catch up and keep ahead of him so he has someting to strive for. So I will write more tomorrow.


Lady Soket

“To live is useful. If you have to die take out the enemy first. Then at least you have not died in vain.”

The Idlewild Saga Day 1 and 2 Well the


The Idlewild Saga Day 1 and 2





Well the start of Camp Nano was yesterday. I hit my goal of over 800 words a day. I did write 970 for yesterday. I am not sure where Karleon’s tale will head off to but I think that word count is a good start. I might post the first chapter up here when it is finished. Wonders idly if I can get away with a 1 page first chapter. Probably not. Damn. Sometime later today I am going to let Soket out for a breath of air. Be warned she is a Goddess and so has different views on life and the living. She is several eons old so I guess that shapes her outlook on things. Just wanted to give you all a heads up for those of you that haven’t met her. She can have quite a dark outlook on things and has no problem pushing people to their limits and beyond them into something new. You will see what I mean soon enough.


Lady Soket

“Living forever isn’t a bad thing. It simply means that you get to do the fun things more.”

Kids and Birthdays    Today is my youngest daughter’s birthday.


Kids and Birthdays





Today is my youngest daughter’s birthday. She turns nine years old today. Our youngest and our oldest are with my husband’s family. Our oldest daughter is in Oklahoma due to the government’s interference in our lives.


So when she gets a bit older we plan on telling her and our son who their real parents are. This is met with a lot of resistance from the faimily members. Everything from “oh, their too young to be told” to “No you are not telling them.”


Now I know it makes us both feel horrible that we can’t even attend their birthday parties. But even eyond that aspect we would love to simply be “allowed” to interact with them at all. If you are thinnking of adopting to family members so you can see your kids my advice is don’t. At all. It is far too heartbreaking and it really puts you in a depression so deep that you contemplate hurrying yourself along to the end of your life. At least with our daughter in OK. we can’t see her only wonder about her. I really feel bad for this as well as I wish she was with the rest of the family but we got forced to give her up. Thank you very much Fucking government. But really it’s the little things that I wanted to share. Her learning to read and loving it. Her learning to horseback ride. I know that from the age of five she was just as enamoured of horses as I was but she simply hasn’t got the chance to be trained to ride. I would teach her that if I had the land and a few horses. I can only hope tht she is doing well. Our oldest son I think has realized that he is not related to the people he is living with so it won’t come as such a shock when we tell him.


I hope they can forgive us both. It may turn out that they simply can’t. But I am hoping when we do tell them they will get over the shock and want to be around us.


So Aldamara Kaylee Rogers I hope you truely enjoy your ninth birthday honey. Next year will be interesting. Have a good time and take care.

Lady Soket


“If anyone tells you that there is not a Hell on earth take their kids away. They will change their mind.”

Playing a Paladin Or How to almost get


Playing a Paladin Or How to almost get Yourself Killed


Well we played under a new Dm last night. It was really a good group of people. I was playing Laes a 1st level dragonborn paladin whose job it was to keep the bud guys off of the party. She nearly got killed twice. Once by shambling and strong zombies. Then again by some kind of demon with teleporting ablities and a surrounding mist that darkened up the spaces around him and made him hard to find and kill. I am pleased to announce I did a great double cleave when he was finally prone with two massive bastard swords. So that was fun. I think the group will shape up well once they all get the hang of their characters. 4th Edition is new to me and I must say sometimes a bit hard to follow. But I figure if I run my character well I just might have a good time and progress well. We will have to see how it goes. Running around with such a diverse group of people was lots of fun. Cody and Jane as well as Jamie,James,and Patrick really tried to “live” their characters which was really useful. I have to give out kudos to our DM Ivan for describing and explaining just where I was in relation to the others as well. It was very well done. The more description I can get like sounds,placement,tastes,and touch the more I can personally immerse myself in a game. So playing Laes was fun and I look forward to this coming Sunday. The other players were a bit green but I don’t mind that. We can all learn 4th edition together and I think that is a good thing.


Lady Soket

“I am your worst nightmare. A woman DM.Prepare to be surprised.”